“Without you , my life will be nothing”
April 2008
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August 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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September 2010
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 || 2:33 AM
hmm..today really nth lor..
we went for sku image again..
but this time we went to first toa payoh primary...
yea ! juz one sku.. dhen after dhat we to eat && slack !
nth much to say ler !
tmr going yee ting hse !
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 || 2:05 AM
today went to farrer park primary , macperson primary && pei chun primary...
haha..its kinder of fun but soo paisehh while we are dancing..
CHOIR suppose to sing de lor... wth.. become dancing..if don hv th SYF.. we shld be singing ler lor.. wahbiaa !
at pei chun, we have break.. while get off th bus.. those lower pri was having recess..
dhen we saw one xiao mei mei.. act like chao ah lian lor.. idoit sia.. and act dhat she run soo fast..
she think she champion sia ! Lmao...
wahbia..today damm tired sia.. so didnt went for 2nd shift choir ler ! xD
im tired ! ....
wahaaaaaaaaaa !!! =O
- charlene -
Sunday, October 26, 2008 || 5:08 AM
alamak.. today oso nth de !
hehe.. juz stay at home dreaming !
hehes. hope cn go work as soon as possible lor.. haha..
ie wan earn money de !
- Charlene -
Saturday, October 25, 2008 || 3:30 PM
yea !
today went to watch movie !
haha.. went to bugis wit yee ting , yee lin & vivian..
hoho.. when we reach bugis we went to book movie ticket..
dhen we went to walk walk..
hehe..dhen we saw XT wit BH dhey all..
ie thought dhey wan go east coast? or go blowling?
dhen come till bugis ! diao ! =.=
dhen after dhat we went to shop
hehe.. soon gonna be 3..
dhen went to 4th floor to buy some popcorn and drinks
hohoho. at last got to watch dhat movie..
while watching..
ie have been going to toilet 2 . 3 times ..
haha..and im COLDDDD ! xD
phew....COLD !
dhen we went to library..
we taken lots of pics oh !
dhen we went PS
as yee ting & yee lin wan meet their mother.
so ie and vivian go along too..
here are some pics we have taken !
dhen we HOME SWEET HOME ler ! xD
- Charlene -
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 || 2:56 AM
yea ! yea !
today went to toa payoh..actually was go to mac as for job..
ask finish ler..so we went to play..
went to tpy HDB gallery..
haha..we had so much fun..
as for dhem.. dhey didnt went dhere before sia..
haha..must thx to me ! xD
haha. we oso. take many pictures dhere !
hohoho. =D
we run here , run dhere.. hehes.
dhen we went home about 6+ like dhat..
cnt wait till saturday.. going out wit MY GANS !
some pictures we taken at dhere !
after dhat we HOME SWEET HOME !
- Charlene -
Monday, October 20, 2008 || 2:48 AM
yehh ! yehh !
today is hui jun birthday..
first thing come to sku was assembly.. damm long..
second thing was huijun had many many present !
haha... I WAS JEALOUS OF IT ! xD
cuz my birthday no ppl give me so many present...
haha..but nevermindd.. spend it as a wonderful day !
wooohooo ! =D
we bought a cake for huijun.. ahahas.
but we need to wait till 2.30 to get th cake..
fcuking shit lor.. frm 12.30 wait till 2.30..
haha.. after getting the cake we brought it to sku ,
to celebrate wit all our friends..
but not much..we juz call those close friends. wit us always !
dhere some photos.. ! =D
should end here ler !
- Charlene -
Sunday, October 19, 2008 || 5:30 AM
today kindly damm bored lor ! hahaha
everyday stay at home nth to do !
if cn nxt saturday & sunday , i wan go out wit my GANS ! =D
sunday wan watch movie !!
watch :
hahahaha !
who cn leh?!
sms me wor ! =D
i am bored at home !
who free , must sms me chat wor ! =D
- charlene -
Friday, October 17, 2008 || 3:18 AM
hohoho..today.. early in the morning ju wake up ler !
juz like normal sku days wake up.. haha
dhen went to farrer park meet hui jun & shu yu..
dhen went to buy swimming costume..
as shu yu doesnt have any at home..
haha.. after buying ..
we went to kallang bahru eat breakfast..
dhen we went to pasir ris de :
haha.. SO EXCITED !!! xDD
dhen when we reach went to change clothes ..
dhen went to play...
play till 3 +
dhen we went to bath ..
bath finish we went to eat....
dhen we go take pictures...
haha... taken some pictures inside ! XDD
shu yu & huijun ! soooo cute !XDD
water splash !
today was kindly fun !
after th whole day playing..
so tired ler..
dhen we HOME SWEET HOME ! =D
- Charlene -
Thursday, October 16, 2008 || 3:12 AM
today juz get bakk my art paper ..
hoho... yea !
didnt colour finish but ie get 68 marks !
we oso get bakk our metal art piece !
my art file & metal art piece !
EOY art piece !
- Charlene -
Friday, October 10, 2008 || 1:31 AM
Hohohoho ! =D
today went to east coast wit
huijun, gui zhong , yee lin , yee ting & shuyu !
haha.. today yee lin and shuyu went to learn bike...
but shu yu in the end didnt learn any thing...
cuz she keep on scare fall down !
hais..but yee lin have learn how !...
and keep riding & riding .. non-stop. =D
dhen shuyu say she fall down dhen hit until her butt ,
de bone where is near her spine ..
dhen bo bian when wan ride bakk dhat time ...
ie peii her slowly walk lor..
but today quite fun... juz didnt take any picture..
haha.. cuz not enough time..
cuz shu yu and yee lin was learning how to ride bike !
hohoho ! (:
must thanks to huijun & me ! XDD
but huijun teach more..
i teach yee lin nia ! =DD
huijun teach yee lin alittle bit !
but teach shu yu alot..
if me ie sure will pekchek..
and juz walk away de lor !
hohoho !
- charlene -
Thursday, October 9, 2008 || 1:22 AM
YAY ! EOY finally over ! (:
today D&T paper was easy like shit lor..!
hohoho! =D
but the rest of the paper wan flunk it liao !
hope wnt fail ba !
fail liao .. sure tio gan de lor..
reply of tags :
EILEEN :hello ! (: you too ! =D
Joey : hello Gannn mei !=D LOVEDS * SMILE !*
huimin : Hello too !(:
- Charlene -
Saturday, October 4, 2008 || 1:20 PM
today huijun , me & gui zhong went to yee ting hse...
huijun , gui zhong & yeeting
was waiting for me to go boon keng mrt ...
haha..always im the one who was the slowest..
blehh ! **
when ie went out of the hse..
walk to the bus stop to take bus to potong pasir..
don noe whye today soo suay sia..at bus stop saw until aizi..
but my bus came..so cant walk dhere to call him.. XDD
anyway oso don wan see him ! LOL..
lucky didnt take same bus..
he take 26 go tpy..
but ie take 107 to potong pasir mrt...
phew..so heng..
dhen reach pp mrt..
went to wait for train to go to bk mrt..
reach bk mrt ler..
went out of the train .. dhen saw dhem ..
again went in the same train again..
walao.. damm squezzy can...
ie pull huijun.
dhen huijun pull gui zhong..
while yee ting hug her mei mei !
as her mei mei was dhere too !
yee lin de friendd was dhere too..her didi oso ..
dhen we reach farrer park and walk to yee ting hse..
we reach yee ting hse .. many things happen
but lazy say.. the most fun part
was about 4 , 5pm like dhat..
we close the lights inside the room..
haha.. have alot of fun wit no light..
we went to take blanket and booster
dhen we lye on the floor sleep
aniwae the floor very nice to sleep ..
so we sleep lor..
haha. dhen huijun and gui zhong sleep one side..
as for me , yee lin & yee ting sleep th other side..
hoho...dhen sometime we wan wake up.. see until..
ahem * ahem *
haha..don wanna metion it..
it was very th....*****
dhen ai zi msg came
dhen ie say wad jun and gui zhong doing.. haha
he joker sia lar..
tell dhem ..go do fuck lar...
dhen ie show the msg to yee ting first..
dhen we two laugh until like siao.
haha.. dhen show to th two of dhem..
eeyeer, dhey hohh...
very th ****lor...
got ****** really don wanna metion it ! XDD
hahas.. today at yee ting hse very fun sia...
if cn.. go again !
and got chance sleep overnight at her hse !
wooohoooooo ... ! (:
dhen after dhat went home...
reach my hse dhere de bus stop...
suay again... see until eddy , gavin & yong lee !!! xDD
dhen ju HOME SWEET HOME ler ! (:
- charlene -
Friday, October 3, 2008 || 10:50 AM
today.. the science paper section B & C quite hard lor...
wtf... almost wan spam the table liao lor..
during the paper almost fall asleep...
cuz the class too silent & im very tired lor..
hahas...luckily didnt fall sleep..or else the paper no need do liao lor.. XDD
haope my EOY could pass sia ..
all the paper so hard de lor...
after the paper went to mac , cuz jun wan go find the stupid ai zi...
dhen after reach mac... dhey not dhere..
dhen huijun at dhere lo li lo soo..
dhen after go mac.. we didnt do anything.. after awhile go liao..
dhen dear dear come along..
dhen we go other places..
donnoe whyy today so suay sia..
the care taker of towner road come caught us again..
please lehh.. not the first time liao..
stupid bagala dhat look like mas selamat onli noe how to complain !
dhen we clean everything ju go away from towner road !
still got many tings.. juz lazy to write lar..
today walk alot alot alot..
my leg going break soon ler ...
at last reach home & rest !
hohohohohohohohohohohoho! (:
- charlene -