“Without you , my life will be nothing”
April 2008
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008 || 2:35 PM
Ystd 1pm went to sku to report , cuz we going to esplanade for our real day of performance !
OMG ! so excited man ! heehees. * scare *
when we reach esplanade , first thing we do is to go to theatre to put our things and wait for our turn to rehearsal ! hehes. its a combined CHOIR !
after th rehearsal went to rest till 6 pm . dhen we keep behind th theatre dhere play !
heehees. so FUN man ! hahas. dhen about 6pm went for our dinner.
when we went to th green room , dhere was full of ppl till we have to find a place and sit on the floor ! hais... hahas. after eat finish our dinner , we ran bakk to th threatre and change to our costume. cuz our turn is coming. hahas. after changing , saw shermaine have putted make up , dhen SWIE TING , YEE TING , ZOE , YAN LIN , ZALEHA , BAO HUI , HUI JUN & ME went to put too ! hahas.
about 7.30 + ler , dhen we went to th concert hall , to get ready...
phew.. at last th concert had end!
& went bak to sku ! dhen HOME SWEET HOME ! C:
dhere are some photos to upload here ! (:
opps ! sorry swie ting didnt have ur pics !
hmm... next time rmb to send it to me ! (:
- Charlene -
Friday, November 21, 2008 || 1:59 PM
HELLO ! (:
Today same thing again ! went for choir practise ! hahas. =D
Leg is kinder of pain sia ! haiyaa... stand for so long ! dhen we keep on repeat and repeat..
haiyoo... sing until pek chek lor..xD
Today choir about 11+ like dhat donnoe why suddenly ie wan go urine ?!
stand down dhere keep REN REN REN ! alamak MY DHERE VERY PAIN LEH ! ( maybe im too err ler ba ! but is true ! ) =D
after Ms koh came in th music room , ie quickly go ask for permission dhen chiong out of th music room ! haiyoo ! dhen ran half way saw until huimin , jie hui , regina and gui zhong !
xiang bu dao dhey came in find us ! hahahas ! (:
dhen we went lunch together with dhem ! heehees.
after lunch , jiehui , huimin & regina went home ler. dhen it almost time to go bak sku for choir practise , so we slowly walk bak to sku ! (:
5pm ler.. dhen went HOME lor !
sunday still must wake up so early ! haiya... ):
SEE YA ! (:
Thursday, November 20, 2008 || 1:51 AM
today rot at home awhile dhen went to yee ting house play ! if im at home , oso cant use com !
so went to yee ting house play hao ler. dhen always rot at home ! ):
heehees.. (:
okays.. time to go out ler ! (:
see ya ! (:
- charlene -
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 || 1:43 AM
HELLO ! (:
once again it was tuesday ler.
and so on went for choir practise ! heehees. kinder of bored ! and my leg hurts ! stand for so long hour ! hahas. but today de practise we have been learning fast !
wohoooo ! yea ! hahas. haiyoo.. but ie have not been memorise my songs sheet yet ! OMG ! ):
hahas. but ie will try to memorise asap de ! or else monday wo ju die liao ! xD
heehees. hmm.. wanting who wan to invite to th choir concert? hais...ie got 4 tickets !
heeeheees. (:
hope th time pass fast ! xD
- charlene -
Monday, November 17, 2008 || 12:44 PM
HELLO ! (:
Today early in th morning 9 am ju wake up ler. went to meet yeeting , swieting ,huijun & guizhong ! (: heehees. dhen went to buy clip. heehees. hope dhat ie can use it ! (:
dhen went to buy my kok kok shoe for choir.heehees =D actually wanted to buy th old woman wear dhat kok kok shoe. but mrs poon say can wear normal de . so went to buy those kok kok shoe dhat went go out ! heehees. (: * happy *
dhen yee ting , swie ting & me went to snip avenue . heehees. cuz ie wan reborn hair.
haiyoo.. ie sit down dhere until my butt wan pian diao liao lor ! xD * laughings *
dhen ie do half way got th do nails de jie jie ask yee ting and swie ting wan do mar.
cuz dhey sit down dhere didnt do anything ! *laughs * (:
dhen after dhat , dhey went up do their nails lor.
heehees. dhen ie at dhere gao EMO ! ):
HAHAS. after a long hour of sitting. at last do finish ler. dhen went to pay for my reborn hair money. heehees. quite EX ! but it NICE ! (:
after dhat went to do my hand nails too ! (: NICE ! NICE ! NICE ! =D
after dhat we went to pay money . dhen went off to buy dye hair de thing.
cuz huijun , yee ting & swie ting wan dye my hair colour ! hohoho ! (:
after buying went to yee ting hse. ie help all of dhem dye their hair , dhen at dhere slack awhile dhen go home. heehees.
very funny lor. th dye hair one , one bottle , little bit little bit can share until 4 ppl ! * PRO *
hahas. dhen went to wash hair . heehees.
so funny inside th toilet . sqeeuze until so many ppl ! * laughs *
dhen ie help dhem wash hair too ! (:
quite fun lor. heehees. got a chance to be a barber ! ahahahas ! (:
dhen donnoe wad happen become playing wit barbie dolls & cooking toys ! * LMAO *
dhen about 6 ler. pack up all th things , and went HOME !
today have a great time ! (:
hahahaha ! =D
- charlene -
Saturday, November 15, 2008 || 3:34 PM
HELLO ! (:
Today in th morning wake up . hehes. actually wanted to stay at home de !
after dhat went to yee ting house ! not in th good mood .
hais... when ie reach dhere , dhey will playing wit make up !
ahahahas. dhen ie ran inside th room to see ! heehees.
Huijun , Gui Zhong & Yee Lin faces will full of make up ! heehees.
dhen after dhat we decided everyone put on nicer make up .
and we take pics ! heehees. Yee Lin went to take her mother make ups.
becuz her mother have alot of it. dhen we take it out and play wit it !
heehees. Fun ! but don really have th mood to be MAD !
hais..don wan to say why ! its a secret between my FAMILY !
shhh...! heeshees.
hope dhat he get well soon & i promise to pay th money asap !
Today really was * FUN *
heehees. hope to play wit it again !
and many pics to upload too ! (:
- charlene -
Friday, November 14, 2008 || 4:22 PM
HELLO ! (:
today early in th morning 7am ju wake up ler ! (: dhen went to meet YEETING , JING WEN , HUIJUN & GUIZHONG !
YEE TING , JING WEN & ME went to eat breakfast ! * yummy *
dhen went to find HUIJUN & GUIZHONG at sheng siong bridge dhere. hahas.
wahbiahhh.. almost late for CHOIR ! xD * heng *
but still reach in time ! hahas.
cuz still got lots of senior behind , as all th juniors sure have reach earlier dhen us de !
today CHOIR was quite tired lor ! hahas. :D
sing this ! dhen th Mr yiong & Mr goh say :
WRONG ! dhen we have to repeat again till we get it correct ! haiyooo...
if ME , YEE TING & HUIJUN is becuz of th esplanade thinging &
get more CIP POINT .....
ie think we shall not come for CHOIR LER !
really really so tiring.. today was ok ok lar..
cuz got th song LITTLE BIRD ! twee twee twee ! hehehes. (:
i don like dhat we sing th lulululu ... gugugugu !
LOL ! =.= so stupid !
don sound like a BIRD TOO ! after CHOIR , went home sleep !
really really very tired ! (:
Lululu... Gugugu ! Lululu ... Gugugu ! (:
hehes. SEE YA ! (:
* update soon ! *
- charlene -
Thursday, November 13, 2008 || 1:48 AM
ystd went out wit yeehuey to bugis. hahas.
th whole day walking here and dhere.. alamak so tiring lor! hahas.
dhen went to buy bag and clip extension hair :DD wabiaa eh! it was raining heavily .
we wanted to cross th road , but cnt ! dhen we wanted to qiong across th road ,
but we don dare , cuz our clothes sure will get wet .
dhen in th end , we ka ka qiong along th road. wahahhaa! * almost bang on ppl *hahas.
today shop till so tiring lar ! :DD
* updated soon ! *
- charlene -
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 || 2:08 AM
Gavin Loh :DD
Monday, November 10, 2008 || 1:57 AM
HELLO ! (:
today was shu yu & zeliang birthday ! ahahas.HAPPY BIRTHDAY !today went out wit :
hui jun , gui zhong , bai shi , shu yu , wan xin , yee ting & yee ting mum ! =.=
yeeting mum come becuz her father scare she got bf ! * diao *
today after yee ting mum & her go off ler hohh..
th rest of us was having so much fun lor..
went vivo , was actually wanted to watch movie de. but didnt ,cuz all of us bo money!
as for me.. ie got some , but th $50 cant use..
sorry . shu yu !
but we are still having lots of fun at vivo mar . * laughing *
we went to toy'rs buy some present for shuyu ! hehes.
bought a hula hoop & h20 uno. dhat was water proof de ! ahahahas.
dhen we went inside play wit some of th things ! hehes..
today really have so much fun lor ! :DD
* update soon *
- charlene -
|| 1:54 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY !Shu Yu & Zeliang ! :DD
Saturday, November 8, 2008 || 11:50 AM
HELLO ! (:
today i am rotting at home ! juz stay at home. watch tv , eat , play com ! dhat it ! =D
hehes. nth much to say !
* update soon * (:
- charlene -
|| 11:44 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 || 12:53 PM
went to meet yee ting , huijun, gu zhong & lastly vivian..
but.. ie meet until yee ting , hui jun & gui zhong only ..
as vivian mum was still at home.
and it was raining heavily..
haha.. today damm funny lor..
while it was raining..
we wanted to go 2 dolar noodle stall to eat..
dhen it was raining damm heavily.
dhen bobian.. huijun & gui zhong have to get wet..
while me & yee ting was thinking how to go dhere..
dhen ie think until something...
we take out our sku skirt. dhen we cover our hair and face
walk dhere.. like it was a umbrella..
haha.. so funny..
dhen donnoe why.. we run so fast..
dhen came to a part wit lots of flood...
make until mine & yee ting sku shoe. get damm wet..
all th water soak inside to my socks and shoe !
dhen we to meet vivian.. when th rain stop..
dhen yee ting went home..
dhen ie & vivian went to meet angela sis..
haha.. after meeting we went tgt to th salon.
as vivian wan reborn hair..
dhat we had said earlier. dhat vivian birthday we gonna sponsor her
as a birthday present..
haha.. dhen ie wet to cut hair too ! hehe..
dhen we wait for vivian for 2 hour or 3 hour..
dhen we HOME SWEET HOME ler !
ahahaha ! (:
LOVE 棒棒糖!
- charlene -
|| 12:48 PM
yehh !
at last watch finish my
黑糖群俠傳 ler lor !!!
so sad lar.. th
wang zi. lost his wu gong..
but lucky..he got th chance to learn bakk..!
dhen th last part..
Y tou become feng zi..but she ate medicine
dhen she cure.. not so feng ler.. dhen
wang zi and xiao xu. become couples !woohoooo !
- charlene -
Saturday, November 1, 2008 || 3:27 PM
today..stay at home..
nth to do at all..
dhen stay at home use com
watch 黑糖群俠傳!