HELLO ![[: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIA XIN ! [[[[: Charlene.L❤ |
HELLO ! [: firstly, is juz update my songs.they are 夏日风 & 带我走!
LOVED . watching 不良笑花 ! ❤ LOVED . Tang men & xiao hua tgt ! ❤ LOVED . Jia si le 好帅哦 ! ❤ Today night must watch 不良笑花 !❤ Channel U , 7pm - 8pm ! [[[[: Shall end here ler , Byeee peepos ! [: Charlene.L❤ |
shall end here ler , Byeee peepos ! [:
HELLOO! [: I'm backk from Choir Chalet and Ton ! [: ystd came home , too tired ler. so didnt post yet.xD hahas. LETS START FROM : 16/12/o8 - 17/12/o8 Helloo. helloo. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots ! Today going ECP ! [[: went to meet HuiJun , Gui Zhong , Jing wen & Yeeting at Kallang mrt . and sooo we went to pasir ris and off to ECP ... huhuhuhu ! [: Sitted in the train for 30 mins , my butt hurts ler. xD after reaching pasir ris , Jing wen & meee felt that we are hungry ! * HUNGRY * Then we went to th shopping mall that was white sand , and we are finding for food. and soo we went to th food court. HuiJun & Gui zhong went walk walk around . soo Jing wen , Yee ting & meee went to th food court. Jing wen & meee went to look for food. see wad to eat. so ie bought laska . * yumm yumm * as Jing wen bought lor mee. hahas. after eaten our lunch , we went outside th food court and we saw candy shop. wow ! then we saw a Big LOLLIPOP. and it was having a promotion. buy 2 get 1 free. hahas. and th LOLLIPOP cost 2 bucks only ! that was cheap lor. [: then Jing wen , meee & Huijun bought it. Jingwen give 1 to yee ting & Huijun given 1 to gui zhong . and mee. i got extra de. so i give it to Xue ting . hahas. after boughting it. and off we go to ECP , to meet Xue ting , Jac , Bao hui & Xiao Mei. hahas. when we reach ECP. we bought th tickets tgt. hohoho. then we went to toilet. to get change. and went to th locker to put our bags. and we started playing th games. th first game we played was th cup. at first was kinder of scary. sitted for longg.. hahas. not scary anymore ler. heehees. but Huijun & Gui zhong didnt play for alot of games. cuz guizhong was not feeling well. then we went to play th kite flyer. we were like SUPERMAN lor. hahas. ie sitted w/ Xue Ting . [: it was FUNN ! [: then we went tgt to th huanted house . huijun & gui zhong join too. when we were inside . damm scary lor. when we were inside we alrdy shouted. hahas. th most scary part was th real man act like a fake ghost. scary us. WTF lor... xiao mei was th cutest de lor. hit th person and th person start to tok. say " dont hit me ! " soo cutee. but xiao mei , jac & jing wen alrdy went off ler. but xue ting , yee ting and mee. still haven. cuz im scare of it. my tears almost want drip ler lor. ]]: then th ghost came closer to us. bo bian , ie saw Yee ting ran off , so ie started follow yee ting. and we were saft. * phew....* then there was a little boy wit us too. he cried lor. we will hoping faster get out of th huanted house. and at last we will out of it ! wow ! but kinder of FUNN too.. then we went to play wet & wild. and soo ie sitted w/ yee ting . [: all of us went for 2 rounds of wet & wild. hahas. cuz to be fair to everyone to get wet. the 1st round ie was like wet like hell lor. but 2nd round only abit wet and yee ting damm wet ! hahas. but very shiok to get wet lor. [[[: then we went to sit th pirate ship. ie and baohui sitted at th end of th ship. xiao mei and jing wen oso sitted at th end of th ship at th other side . Xue ting , Jac & yee ting sitted at th 2nd last of th ship. and huijun & guizhong sitted in th middle , becuz huijun is scare of high... heehees. we were like almost flew out of it. my legs were flying . some time my butt was oso like flying lor. but it was FUNN !! [: then we went to play th roller coaster. my butt was pain when th roller coaster was turning.. hahas. then it was around 5.15 ler ba. then we went to play th cup for th last game. hahas. so FUNN ! [: then we went off to th choir chalet... when we reach there , all of us saw yiong kiong .. we were like sian diao lor.. then we were don wan go there anymore. but lastly we decided to go there hao ler. cuz if we don go like waste money lor. somemore we promise eileen we were be coming at 6pm like that. then when almost all th seniors go out of th room. we were inside relaxing . cuz we were watching tveee. heehees watching 不良笑花 ! NICE SHOW...[: after watching it . went outside eat abit of satay and went to E-HUB . cuz they want to take neo print ... heehees, after taking it we when to fairprice to buy some coffee. hahas. after boughting it , we went backk to th chalet ler. then we ownself BBQ some foods to eat . hahas. * yummy * half way. siew ping & suzanna gong off ler. as siew ping daddy came to fetch them. and xue ting , baohui , xiao mei & jac went off tgt wit siew ping . and must thanks to siew ping daddy for fetching them home ! [: mrs poon and miss koh went off tgt too. and th rest of us will staying overnight at th chalet. we were like toning outside then inside lor. cuz th room was all occupied by th SENIORS & EX-SENIORS. they were all inside playing mahjong. wahbiaa... 2 bed for us become nth..]]: around 3 am 4 am . wee kuan came w. his friendd called sean & desmond ??!! they will tgt toning w/ us too. lucky they came , or else we will be bored. we joke joke around & tell us alot of secrets ! that no one know ! hahahaha ! they want to go to red house near pasir ris lor. we at first . ok ok lor. we go. but in th end . don want go. cuz we were scare of ths dirty things...xD then we went outside walk walk around. then went backk to th chalet. and wait till wee kuan they all come backk to tell stories and joke w/ us again... MORNING ler .. th yiong kiong ?! treat us like maid lor. go outside check around wad time they can check out. we will like WTF. he got no hand no legs ar?! idiot lor. then later yiong kiong came out again. told us to clear outside de things. we will like FCUKER DOG lar. then aiyaa.. bo bian go clear lor. after clearing th things went inside wash hands. but justin was inside so went outside wash. then when ie was closing th door. ie show attitude ok?! ie purposely spam th door quite hard. and th yiong kiong keep looking . see wad see lar. FUCKER. idiot lar. then went off from pasir ris. 17/12/o8 - 18/12/o8 MORNING ! went to marina square as wee kuan & sean go play arcade.PRO ! PRO ! then went to suntec city. as wee kuan wan look for his friendd. then ie and Jing wen went to pasir ris. as Jing wen wanted to take money . as she bo money liao. then HuiJun and Guizhong came to look for us as Huijun want to TON w/ aizi they all... DOTS DOTS DOTS.... when ie at jing wen was near th chalet entrance.. saw until , ai zi , zeliang & ai zi 's brother. and say Hellooo.. ju go ler. hahas. then msg him ask lor. ask later he can TON mar. as Huijun always so kan jiong about it. then wait for quite long.. then huijun say go find ai zi. when we will at th chalet there. wabiaa... so many pai kia at there. then dont noe why? so fast can find until them lor... zzz... then we decided to go off from pasir ris. before there's no more mrt and bus. we went to met wee kuan & sean and walk to farrer park to eat scissor cut curry rice. then went to th playground play blind mice . wow. at first was like .. sian sian de.. play long ler .. it looks FUNN ! then around 3.30 we reach wee kuan house and we sleep there . cuz we were tired ler. then we sleep till morning , then we went to boon keng eat fish ball noodles. after eating ... jing wen went to TPY . meet friend then she need to go to malaysia ler. Byeee JING WEN ! [[: then ie went home too. im tired ! so went home sleep lor ! [: heehees. Shall end here ler , Byeee peepos ! [: Charlene.L❤ |
HELLO ! Good Afternoon ! hohohoho. wake up quite early , dhen sit down there facing 4 white walls again ! hahas. rott rott rott , always rott at home ! ]: haha , but nehmindd, cuz tmr going ECP w/ Zoe , BaoHui , XueTing , Jac , HuiJun & YeeTing ! * Excited man ! * ie scare today night cant sleep lor. haiyoo..[: Idk why today keep on SMILE SMILE SMILE de .. maybe too happy about TMR ler. cuz got choir chalet & going ECP ba ! hahahaha. Wooooooooooooooooots ! or maybe quite long didnt see until them ler , dhen i get Excited?! Idk too.. heehees, * Excited again * After Today should be a FUN day ! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots ! [: Hope tmr shall be a memorable day ! (((: shall end here ler , Byeee peepos ! [: Charlene.L❤ |