“Without you , my life will be nothing”
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Saturday, February 28, 2009 || 3:23 PM
HappyBirthdayMy AhGong GuiZhong & SEAN.oh ! [:Today wake up around 8.30 .
phew ... late sia . idiot mother , didnt wake me up . CBCBCB !
ie was like sibei angry cann ?!
greeeeeee . greeeeeeeeeee .okay . went mac eat breakfast w/ Xueting , Jac , Yeeting , Zhong & Jun .
heehees. when ie meet till them , ie bought my food .
& guess wad ? within 5 mins ie ate 2 hotcakes finish ler .
Pro ba ?! heeheeees . (:then went for choir pratice . today my Xueting mummy was not feeling well .
she is Having a Sore throat & a slightly fever. okay mummy ,
must take care of urself oh . & recover soon . or else ue cannt take exam liao . xD
heehees. rest well hohh .
after choir , my mummy straight went home . then th rest of went to bendemeer market
eat . heehees. half way saw TongYang . Lols .
keep seeing him sia . xDDD
okays , im tired , gtg sleep .
Yawns ! (:Camwhore :
Xueting mummy ! :DHuijun & GuiZhong !Shall end here , Byeeee peeps ! [:
Thursday, February 26, 2009 || 1:26 PM
Today school seemms fine .
mikail damm funney lar.keep covering his LAN JIAO *
using his hand , damm eeerrrr hao bu hao .
but he really make us laugh alot .
so much jokes everyday !! :DDDDD
Ahahahahahahahahahas .Teeeeee - eeeeeeeeees . (:Today , Xueting like abit sot sot de . snatch anyone , to dance . LOL !
crazy or wad like that . then dk why , ie go carry Xueting like a baby like tt .
cuteee lar , she go shake shake shake her leggs . keep say one come down .
then ie put down her lor . hahas . :DDDDDD
Then after school , went froyer , then dk why , saw until Mingyi .
then Xueting , Huijun & mee keep on make him .
Xueting siao one , go sayang him . no hair how to sayang sia ?! LOLS ! :DDDDD
hahahahahahahas . Xueting still ask him join us for lunch somemore . lols . (:
then awhile later we ran out of school , cuz it having a heavy rain outside .
After awhile TongYang came . LOLS !
Wooooooooooooooooooooots ......im cold !!! :O actually wannt to went to 2 dollar noodle shop eat de .
but in th end didnt cuz it having a heavy rain ! . so better not go so far .
then we wennt rasa sayang eat for our lunch . then Aizi was infront of us ba .
then after awhile , eddy & yong lee came for lunch at rasa sayang too .
we have our lunch , & they have theirs ! (:
then after eating , went for
NDP practise . [[[[[:
After th NDP practise , we went to SSC for some foods . heehees . :DDD
then Soh wynn & Yiong kiong cuteee seh . use rubber band tie their hair .
Teeee -eeeeeeees . ((:
& THANKS JAC for helping us take our foods . (:Looveeeeeeee ya ! [:
Camwhore :
Shall upload again soon .Here th upload ! Shall end here , Byeeeeee peeps ! [:
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 || 1:19 PM
okay , school today seemms fineee . yeah ! (:
hahas . 12.35 went for lunch in th canteen , as for others .
heeheees , haven end school yet . we end school early as them . cuz we got to go learn those steps for NDP de .
Teeeeee - eeeeeeee . (:everything seemms finee there , except one thing .
we got to go CCA branch , our own . we were like
WTH !!okay . then we try to rush there on time . but lucky we were not th last . phew.
heeheees. the steps were cutee lar & th hat too . (: heehees.
& oso saw rainbow !
& it was really beautiful man ! (: cannt forget th view of it .
okay , got to go . see ya ! (: tommorrow shall tagg again ! (((:
Shall end here , Byeeee peeeeps !
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 || 1:58 PM
today school seemms fine too. (:
during physic damm funney lar. amanda was like having flu ba .
then miss tanJiaHui say is very touching right . then we were like , all laughing lar.
ahahahahahahahas. :DDD
okay , funny lar. now thinking it making me laugh !!!! :DDD
okay , during english lessonn , dk wad happen to Amanda oso ,
suddenly crazy till go tie up her fringe . cuteeeee seh . :DDDD
cuteeee Amanda . Y❤
Hahas . before going choir went to Rasa Sayang eat lunch . yummmmmy ! :P
w/ Yeeting , Mummy (XT) , LaoPo ( JH ) , Jing wen , Siaozharbor ( Jac ) , AhMa ( HJ ) ,
AhGong ( GZ ) & Lastly was Wee Kuan . (:
have our lunch donee , we off to blk 1 , yeahs . (:
we like went crazy or wad ba . sitted on HJ legs , stagg by stagg .
then all our legs , tired lar. ):
then have camwhore & off to choir , & JieHui say GOODBYE ! (:
Heeeeeeheeeeeees . ((:
Camwhore time ! (:
Stagg , stagg , stagg & stagg !
LaoGong & LaoPo !❤
w/ all my co .cann make me go MAD ! (:Make me have so much Laughters & joy ! (:& th trust that our friendship may last longg ! (:we are always hayperactive . you juz cannt know it !LoveThemAlways ! (:❤
Shall end here , Byeeeeeeeeeeee ! (:
Monday, February 23, 2009 || 1:43 PM
HELLOO.[:Get Well soon GAVIN LOH. Mr . Chickenpox ! (: come bakk school soon. (:Okay , today school seemms fine .Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots . finally got a chance to post . yeah ! (:okay , after school . went KFC have lunch w/ many many ppl.xDwent w/ Yeeting , Amanda , Xueting , Regina , Huimin , JieHui , Evangeline & Tongyang.so ya . LOLS !At KFC, Jiehui Laopo , was like keep burbing. it was like xD.after lunch went to TY house . when we were there , all of us were like snatching w/ his house de lappy. see BLOG & blahblahblah . (:after that we stay there till around 5 pm ? then we went Home . (:Yeeting , Laopo , Mummy & pangpang went Home ler.& sooo.... Regina , Steady & mee , slowly walk to kb . till around 6.30? & we went HOME ! ((((:Teeeeeeeeee-heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees .Shall end here , Byeeeeeeeeeeee ![:
Saturday, February 21, 2009 || 12:29 PM
Helloooooo [:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FELICIA.L ! (:TEE-HEEEEEE. today 8.30 meet Jun & Yeeting at bendemeer mall .
then we went to mac eat breakfast .
yummmyy ! :DDDDheeehees. then eating half way , saw Estee & Susanna . then they come mac bought breakfast cuz they wann go
FELICIA hse eat . hehe. today was Felicia Birthday .
ie juz remember sia . hahas. then me , yeeting & jun went bendemeer mall buy some present for her . hahas. don really bought ex-pen things cuz it was last minute de . xD
after boughting it , went to buy some flowers ! (:
hahas. smells goooooood mann ! :DDD
then walk to Felicia house ler. & we gave her a SURPRISE ! hahas.
sat there around 15 mins ba , then went school for choir.
choir was okay lor , quite funn lar.
today have sectional singing little birds. heehees. [:
stand there for almost 3 hours ler sia. haven even got a chance to sit .
leg pain lar .
YAWNNSSS. wanna sleep soon ! :O
okay , that for today .
Happy birthday felicia ! ILY always ! (:Nicee phone , shall conficate it ! xD
Rose that was given it to Felicia ! :DD
Shall end here , BYEEEEE PEEPS ! [:
Monday, February 16, 2009 || 11:07 AM
HELLO . [:
Today school was okay .
during art , was likely damm bored . & guess wad ?
ie fell asleep .
yawns ! =Ohahas. CME lesson kena tio meii . LOL.
never do wrong oso kena tio meii .
Sian . wad a boring life .
assembly time , Xiao pang & Piggy wann pon . then we stopped them . heehees.
who tell them. bad kids ! xD
then during assembly . we were like keep playing lor , hao bu hao .
cuz its bored ! =O
after school , should stay bakk for art de . but didnt , cuz we don wann stay .
at home complete better . haiyoo. ):
then ie think teacher call my mother or wad ba .
never stay nia mar. kp - o.
okay . lets not talk about it ler , after school went rasa saya eat. yumm.
then dk why , the pang pang keep hitting our * BREAST * xD
eeyeer . pian tai ! xD
ok , don say eeeyeer thing ler . play play play .
dk why we are crazy like that go TY house. cuz she wann go .
ok , then we go lor. don care . dots..
then went SJ house there . pang pang crazy de , go play ppl undergarments .
walao .. then we keep running away from her . lucky its clean . but ie still don dare touch it please . so yucks ....xD
then went KFC . then JH cry , cuz her hp pen lost it .
then we went to find it , as JH go home first lor . but so lucky , ie got one feeling will find until
at TY house . cuz we were there th longest time , & JH got took out her phone . so went there find . dk why , really got sia ! we were like so happy . & JH was so lucky !
heehees. ok , then went SPSC then went home ! (:
Teeeee-eeeeeeeee ! (:Shall end here , Byeeeee peeps ! [:
Sunday, February 15, 2009 || 2:01 PM
HELLO . [[:
Time for th photo update for ystd ! (:
heeeeeheeeeeees .
Teeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :DDDDDShall end here , Byeeeeee peeps ! [[:
Saturday, February 14, 2009 || 4:54 PM
HELLO . [:
Today went out w/ girlfriends. :DD
Teeeeeessss. (:went w/ steady , LaoPo , Newphew , Dearest , Darlingg & of cuz myself ! (:
heehees. went boon keng mac w/ Darlingg to meet Newphew , steady & Lao Po . :DD
while waiting for dearest , ie & darlingg went to buy food eat .
im hungry man ! hohohoho. (:
okay ate finish , then dearest came , & went to take bus to bugis ! :DD
saw kai xuan , si ying ! [: say hello . smilee , talk . heehees. they wear nice nice ,
so do we . hohoho. oh my , kai xuan voice no more. so mann . xD
okay. take bus , reach bugis , went to bugis street first lor , cuz we scare later starts raining , then we need ran across th road. hahas. bought a nice cutee dress , but not dress lar. lols.
it cost 22 + bucks. but they sell me 21 bucks . heehees . thanks alot mann. (:
actually wanted buy th other one , more cutee lar , but th thing too low. so didnt bought it .
bought th other one . okay walk walk walk , guess wad ?!
w/ tattoos girls . look like ah lian . sian. ah lian not goood to be lar . ):
be good girl better . hais .
so suay sia . okay then went to bugis junction .
heehees went toilet , then go take neoprint .
teee-eeeee . taken 4 times . my face wann spoilt soon oso . ):
heehees . (:
okay , tmr or other time , upload photos shall done . (((:
Shall end here ler , Byeeeeeeeeee peeps ! (:
Friday, February 13, 2009 || 4:31 PM
HELLO . (:
wooooooooooooots.today school was quite funn too.
went for art lesson , kind of bored.
okay then school .. blah blah blah .
okay , have maths lesson , having a test today .
yeah , hahs . easy lar , th test . but ie scare fail .
always easy , in th end fail lor. my maths really sux ! xD
okays okays , have oral english today . really didnt do , so chiong .
during english , faster write. hohoho. then have speech.
sian . must talk loud loud . okay then blah blah .
stay bak for felicia talk w/ us .
have manny thing problems w/ miss regina . & so felicia wrote it down .[:
really alot lor. okay okay okay , & went for choir pratise .
Teeeee -eeeeee . quite funn lar .
yawn , im tired ! okay , lets end here ! :DDD
Shall end here , Byeeeeeee peeps ! [:
Monday, February 9, 2009 || 4:19 PM
Today school was good ! :DD
xiao pang funny lar. piggy funny oso. got them in class .
we are having really so much funn man ! [:
they giv us
laughter. heehees. Love them man.
hahas. always go school hit back side.
cuz naughty. xD hahas .
Teeee - eeeeeee.at school cam whore around . here & there. hohoho.
camwhore here , there , up , down , side.
ok. its everywhere th school ! (:
funn man .
OMG , Slyvia take till eddy man . :D
amanda see , say :
" I WANT THIS !!!! "hahas . amanda too happy
.Teee -eeeeeee.went to slyvia house & went to clarke quay reurn th camera & ate yoshinoya.
yummmy . hungry lar. xD
& blah blah blah...
okay that it . time to go !
Shall end here ler , Byeeeeee peeps ! (:
Sunday, February 8, 2009 || 3:51 PM
HELLO . [:
heehees. today went to buay genn there.
my relative there got tiao tang.
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots.cann see harrison !! heehees. [:
he so cute lar. hahas. (:
went there from afternoon till night. heehees.
wait till night , went to play firework thing.
hohoho. the whole day was funn. (:
carry harrison , let him run here run there , till im tired .
phewww....cuz he is so active man ! xD
run run run , fall down still dont care , stand up , run again.
then make me go catch him. haiyooyoo.
he damm cutee lar. LOVE HIM man !
wooooooots. woooots.ILY Harrison baby. going 2 year old soon. [[:cuteeee , show you photos of him. & those fireworks we played .(:
I Like his smile ! sooo cutee! SMILEE Harrison.(:<br>
Cuteeee hohh?! eat until so kia su . bad Harrison ! xDwipe. clean , clean , clean ! [[:Shall end here ler , Byeeeeee peeps . [[:
Saturday, February 7, 2009 || 2:54 AM
HELLO ! [:
2 more days it going to be 5month anni w/ X.T mummy !
today stay at home , didnt go anywhere !
GOOD GIRL ! :D heehees . (:stay at home , use com , eat , sleep & play .
that was my life in
SINGAPORE . [: okay , im abit siao !
wooooooooooooooooooooots . cuz im everyday siao ! :DDD
im so random talking today .
ie wann more ang bao sia . money in my eyes !
$$$$$$$$okay okay , so bored , so im talking rubbish . lols .
so fast CNY going ended soon . & need go sku on monday .
soooooooooooo sian ... D:
wann go shopping man ! ILOVE SHOPPING . Buyy many things man !!!!! :DDDDDDDDheehees. okays , time to go ler .
Shall end here , Byeeee peeps . [:
Thursday, February 5, 2009 || 2:57 PM
HELLO . [:Today samee lar , went to ITE again. hahas. * Ta - Dahhhhhh *double Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots ! (:then see CCHS again . then like SIAN liao lor. ohya ...still rmb ystd they say wann 1on1 , come lar. show th signal oso no use.kb sia.come fight lar. you think wad , we scare of you meh?!sec2 nia ,act da ar?! wahh ...pew lar. uglyface lar , bodohh. okay okay ,say more , iemore angry. idtthey dare scold me or tiaomeee sia . maybe ie lookfierce ? but im not ! im alwayss friendly . (:heeheees . im so BHB ! XDcca tour starts on play around till 1.30 & went bakk to sku for lunch and went forchoir to old forks home ! (:those ah ma were really cuteee sia ! [[[[:heehees . okay okay , thatts all . Yawns ... im sleepy , byee go sleep first . [:Shall end here , Byeeee peeps ! (:
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 || 2:37 PM
Today went to ITE college east & thatts was simei ITE ! (: * Taa - Dahh *heehees . th sku was huge & beautifull ! (:walk around th sku.tiring lar.th course inside it , was really funn sia ! (:heeeeeeheeeeees .Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots. (:walao ,fcukingcb lor , th chung cheng high school de zharbor , act ah lian , act xl sia .ah lian no need act de mar.they sibei GL lor . act cuteee here , act cuteee there then they at the teathre look at piggy shanren , walao ..see wad see sia.act cutee oso nouse de leh. ue think ue are from ACS ar? LOLS !okay , don say about them liao. but got one girl face sofunnny . * oinkoinkoink ! *pignose ! ahahahahahahahahaha ! :Ddamm funny sia . (:then stay till 4.30 go bakk sku , haiyooyoo. imtired ! * Yawns * =OShall end here , Byeeee peeps ! [:
Monday, February 2, 2009 || 1:49 PM
HELLOO ! (:Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots.todayy was funn yeah?! heehees . went to campus superstar wit my co .hahas. ie think around 10 or 11 ppl ba.plus other is about 100 ppl or 50ppl ?Idk too ! ...[: but ie noe alot ppl are going. * Teee - eeeeee *(:hohohohoho .okays , time for camwore ! [[:Garfong&mee ! [:
Jac &mee! [:
mummy &mee![:
Jie hui &mee![:
Okay , Shall end here , Byeee peeps ! [[:
Sunday, February 1, 2009 || 4:29 AM
HELLO. [[:HAPPY 2YR 1MONTH ANNIVERSARY WITH AHMA !ystd went to boon keng meet my co. [[:heehees. then we went to ps to eat lunch before watch movie. hahas.we ate yoshinoya. * yum . yum * (:after that yee ting & her sis came . Lols . then went walk walk before th rest came . went to buy tickets. we bought around 3.50 de. hahas.watch da xi shi. idk why , while watching , we were playing inside th cinama.lols . saw jun hui they all too , at ps. LOLS. donn wish to see them de , okay ?!lols . ((: at ps bought a rubbermaid water bottle & a cutee comb.hahas. then went far east , buy things , see whether got bag oso ? cuz vivian wanna buy it . hahas. okay okay . thats all got to go ler , BYEEE (:Shall end here , Byyeeeee peeps . ((: