“Without you , my life will be nothing”
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Thursday, April 30, 2009 || 2:21 AM
alright , school was fineee .
as usual after school went Mac study w/ Xueting & Yeeting .
hahahs . at last yeeting came study w/ us! [: 'Happy'
alright study , study , study . then vivian , angela & darwin came ! [[[:
& we started sudy tgt . [:
then AIZI ,Bendan came Mac . [:
idk why they are here ?! hahaha .
then we started help RyanAIZI do worksheet . hahahaha .
as we know some of the questions .[:
Hey . must Thanks US hohh !
yeeting study till 6pm ba , then she had to go ler . ]:
after yeeting left Xueting also left about 7+ [:
sendd her , send Reynard & yeah . & went home w/ him . [:
hahaha . ths idea was angela & vivian did de . xD
clever ba . xD hahah .
went home and blogg here . [:
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . [:
he is truly that cuteee![:
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 || 4:08 PM
Happy8Month ; Vivian DEAREST ! [:
Alright , school was fineee .
during physic shanren & mikail was really cuteee . [:
heeeheees .
after school went mac , & soon Me & Xueting are being Mac FANS ! xD
everyday go Mac . hahahahs . maybe weather was really hot .
& got nothing much to do . ]:
cause it seemms everyday just left me & Xueting .
so we decided go Mac & study ! [:
hahahas .
MYE coming ler . Jiayous Jiayous ! [:
Ryan 'AIZI' really very cutee ! [: carrying Xt Bag ;DD
Monday, April 27, 2009 || 3:57 PM
ahahaha , thinking of th assembly today .
make me laugh again . [:
cause I & Xueting was talking about Kbox thing.
say alot rubbish lar . xD
okay , today seems really dead .
life is getting more & more boring . ]:
hahah . after school went eat lunch wit Xueting , Jac & Chloeeee ! [:
heeeheees [: after that they headed home .
& while I & Xueting walk walk walk & saw Jingwen & Lipinggg ! :DD
& slacked . [: then seems boring & headed to Jingwen house soon.
slack & play , as exams was coming soon . LOL ! xD
hahahaha . but will study de . [:
Alright , Life is getting bored & weather is getting hotter & hotter . xD
make me sweat so much ! ]:
Saturday, April 25, 2009 || 2:04 PM
today , im so HAPPY ~
heeeheees , today went KBOX wit Yeeting , her sis & Xueting ! [:
We were damm high cann anot ?! hahas .
at first we sing , was really damm bored , then we slowly get hyper & hyper . xD
oh ya , today inside , xueting & me were singing " A Moment like this " we both suddenly stand on th sofa , sing & shout. & we both had one our voice .
I was damm stupid . sing sing sing. then th mic wire suddenly hit until th glass cup , & ' PIANG '
we sang till around 6 pm . went pay bill .
& we were all keno " chua tio " 1 person 96 bucks ?!
omg . thats alot ! xD
then went off , cam-whoree & went boon keng mrt meet vivian .
after vivian came , we off to KFC . soon later Justin came KFC find us too ! [[[:
heeeheees . damm funn .
then went HOME ~
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee . (:
Friday, April 24, 2009 || 1:57 PM
HELLO . [:
okay . school was alright . [:
Lao Niang & Lao Po is coming back on monday
(?) tuesday
(?)between ths two dates la . hahahs . [:
nothing much today .
after that went chitchatt meet vivian & went home ! [:
8 more days ! [:
Thursday, April 23, 2009 || 3:20 PM
HELLO . [:
Alright , nothing much today .
got PE today . get our napfa done by PE lesson .
so no need go napfa after school . " happy happy "
heeeheee . [:
During PE mikail funny la . in class wear his short high high . :DD
hahah . [:
alright nothing much . after school , as usual went slacking wit co . [:
MIKAIL ! [[[:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 || 2:34 PM
alright , school was fineee ! [:
& today make MIKAIL my
" GanBoyfriend "Haha . went slacking wit co. as usual .
sad lar , he go MARINA . ]:
" sad sad "Then didnt meet him , go home tgt. ]:
hahs , but nevermindd. [: LOL !
hahah. went slacking lor .
&& cam - whoring too ! [:
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. [:
YEETING; Daughter :DD
ME && XUETING ; Mummy [:
YT;Daughter , JAC;szb && Mee [:
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 || 6:57 AM
' alright , ahall give youu present another dayy ! ' :DD
hahs . in class was funney la . [:
During english lesson , Gavin had a fight wit Ms Regina .
Ms Regina was like havin layang lor. keep on kbkb .
while Gavin quarrel , MsRegina was like nothing to say lai that .
totally in silence . =.=
Hahahah .
today make Gavin.L as my GanHUSBAND ! [: ' Happy '
haha . ILY gavin .L !
hah . after school went celebrate yt birthday at blk4C slacking & cam-whore . hah . [:
really funn ! [:
Shanren , so hardworking ![: