“Without you , my life will be nothing”
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NDP (:
Saturday, July 25, 2009 || 9:35 AM
hehaho ~reach school around 1.30plus as i was suppose to reach at 1.15pm. hahs.didnt meet them early in morning , as not i dont want .is they didnt asked me . hahahs.alright , quickly went to th toilet get change to th costume , & headed to marina bay ; holding area (:then started finding our jiejie help us do makeup , but jiejie didnt come! D:then we went to 2nd floor toilet , do our own makeup .its like so plain lohh , th makeup!!aiyo , so no choice have to clean our makeup & went down ask them do makeup for us , yea !!!Heeee :Bafter that , went to take food & eat before having our dinner .yummy , Pizza was our dinner!!! :DDDD HAHA(:Went to perform loh , hehaho! (:change our clothes back in th bus , HAHA! Funneyloh. Heeeee :Bthen headed to boonkeng find amanda & co. (:& went home after that :D
Friday, July 24, 2009 || 2:09 AM
Hello .today school seem 0kay.without amanda & kokhow in class is kinder of bored! ):hahah.two pig should be sleeping at home , very shiok !after school headed home with shanren. then i get off at potong pasir with xiongjie (:Loh ah Loh , youu ah . hais. kena cane leh . SAD wor ! hahah.reached home get change & off to meet amanda . & went for dinner ? or lunch? idk.Ha!(:& around 5 plus went to take bus & headed to bedok , to do icecream (:w/ amanda , weihuang , kenneth , aloy , daryl , teckhong , rapheal & dan.HAHA.Today not bad , we sold 9 packets of ice cream !! :Dlast packet was really funny , kenneth & weihuang group snatch from us business! but in th end , we still manage to sell to th customer (:& we get our pay around $33.20 cent ! xDstay till 1 plus , & headed home (:Byeeeee.
Nuer ; Dates(:
Thursday, July 23, 2009 || 2:08 AM
Happy3rdMonth , Nuer!!! :Dloveyou/
Wednesday, July 22, 2009 || 2:00 AM
Happy3rdMonth , Boyfriend Mikail :DDHappyBirthday to DAN ! (:After school , headed to hougang straight , to renew a new ezlink as i had lost th last time! ):Ha! after getting it , headed to hougang mall . shop .buy manny this there (:after bought , headed to mrt around 4.15 then wait for train & headed home to get change :DDafter get change , went off to meet vivian & headed to boonkeng to meet amanda at boonkeng icon there. (:Hahs.& started drink & drunk when th birthday boy came . hohohoho.went toh feng manny times , here & there .it was GREAT ! :DDthen stay till 11.15 & headed home !Byeeeee.
Dates (:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 || 1:58 AM
Happy3rdMonth husband loh !!! :DDNi ah peh leh . xD
Monday, July 20, 2009 || 2:52 PM
Today Pon english-si lesson (:
then went to toilet slack , cam-whore alot mann!
when a ' girlgirl ' come in toilet. go dee siao.
throw wet tissue paper inside , hahah.
during physic , went to lab late . then headed back to class again .
take our workbook , slowly .
then class photo was taken today! yeah. (:
FUNSHOT 1 . was great , amanda said she kiss until gavin not purposely de. HAH.
FUNSHOT 2 . take photo with gavin , & he's beside me!! heheheh.
after taking class photo , headed back to physic lesson . & was late for physic lesson .xD
After school went boon keng , & went to clarke quay to buy cake , w/ amanda , daryl , kenneth , teckhong & dan :D
Great ! :DDD
Clarke quay :D
Saturday, July 18, 2009 || 3:38 PM
Ndp was great & funn ! (:
I'm lazy to post . but photos will be done :D
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 || 3:06 PM
HELLO .Today school was alright . (:Gavin & Kokhow at least came school &didnt fakefake ah?! xDHAHS.Today GavinLoh in class is bullied by us!!!!! xDHahah. just dk why , he is kena bullied by us always .then Mr.Wong keep say GavinLoh bullied us & even hit us ! BadBoy!!!Hahaha. funney , yeah?Heeeee.0h die , today kena a short dc , so that i can get back my handphone .cause of litter ?? then i smile??? hais.after getting back my handphone headed to bk meet co. (:slackslackslack!! :DDD& Lastly Thanks Vivian;Dearest for waiting me (:Byeeee.
Monday, July 13, 2009 || 2:57 PM
Today school , was abit bored! D:Gavin & Kokhow . was kena sent home. " fake fake "& classes were getting quiet & bored .NoJokes are around ! Sadd!! D:Hahah. now classes make me keep fall asleep ler. hmph. after school as usual , went to eat lunch & went to bk slack(:heeeeeeee<:NDP marshal are around with us too . as Jun they all meeting him(: HAHS.then around 6plus , Jun they all headed home (:& so i did stay till quite late , around 9plus ba xD hmph , sorry parents for coming home late D:HomeSweetHome :DDDByeeeee.
Sunday, July 12, 2009 || 2:44 PM
Today , really didn't went out slacking with amanda , vivian & co!
Goodgirl , yeah?(: Haha!
0kay , they went slacking , as for me . stay at home :DD
waited my turn use com , as brother going out soon . heeeeeee<: then use com till 5plus then went to bath & off to ahgong , ahmah house. 1Month , Once a week . (: hmph. alright . got to go . sleep , tmr have school . Nights . Byeeeee. (:
Saturday, July 11, 2009 || 8:20 AM
Happy10Month mummy <3333
loveyou :B
NDP was superb !!!!!!!!! (:
although morning rehersal was kinder of tired ! ):
but we did enjoy ourselves alot.
then headed back , get change . (:
they even hired makeup artist here , to help us make up ! xDD
After that , ate dinner & headed to perform . its was quite funn ?! xD
during th ending part , it start raining .
& first im scare of getting wet when th rain was getting heavier & heavier .
but in th end , still enjoying getting wet & we were all jumping around , splashing water to one another ! HAHS . xD
hope next week will be raining too !!! JUMPS JUMPS .
get change , headed to bus back to school . Sleeping in th bus . Yawns :O
Then headed home immediately ! (:
Hahahahaha .
Friday, July 10, 2009 || 6:58 AM
Ha . today listen song during english lesson . (:
caus doing compre , & ms regina allow . cause if we dont listen , our class will be very noisy &
dont even wanted to do work . xD
Haha . after doing my homework , handup & went off to sleep . xD
heeheeee. <:
guess ms regina , was great .
although we were always so naughty in her class ! :DDD
SS lesson were funney , mr tham have stories about his past . Great ! :DD
Hahah. cann know he is a bad guy last time !
After school headed to boonkeng slack , laughs alot during slacking .
manny jokers around !
especially Delvin , " LanPa " ! Hahahah.
after slacking stay until quite late , almost make me fall asleep too ! xD
Delvin signature :DD