“Without you , my life will be nothing”
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Celebration ! :DD
Saturday, September 26, 2009 || 3:30 AM
Yyoooo - Hello ! ;DHappy15thBirthday , Eddy :DAlright , just a short post first , while later at night should had a long post already! xDhope later will be a Fun day , yeah!----------------------------------------------
Yeah , meet ale at around 5plus . :DD while slacked awhile then wait for edwin they all pass money come .
& there's we go to buy cake for eddy! (:
after buying , walked to fitness corner. well went to a staircase , & put on candles & light up candles , & went to fitness.
well , see many of them were covering eddy's eyes . & everyone sang a birthday song for him . yeah~
Ale seems happy today . yeah ! :DD
we actually intend to eat the cakes , & why didall of you all smash th cake ? D:
18 bucks that all of us kup , just smash cake at one another , & it's no more ... D:
& it's seem like today wasn't eddy birthday , & become amanda birthday . xD
alright , after that went up to yonglee house , as ale wann to bath yeah , she's smelly cause everyone smash cake all at her. D:
well , every guys did gave eddy birthday bash. & everyone get hitten too , even it's not their birthday xD
Ahha , funney yeah .
the most funney one is , guizhang pull edwin undergarment until edwin is flying in th air . & edwin shouted very pain very pain . D:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA . it's really damm funney cann ?! just cann't stop laughing .
lucky , karen home got large size shirt , or else ale gonna where that giant shirt home . xD
Gavin came after that . & we did have cam-whore (:
yeah-heh ! :DD
went to carpark rooftop after that , despite we were noisy but no police came . thats was lucky !
edwin , shanren & eddy left at 10.30pm as edwin & eddy get to get back to their house at sengkang . & well , shanren is going home too ! :D
the rest of us , stayed awhile & went to prata shop have a drink & went home ! :D

Bye ;D
MyStomachHurts ! D:
Friday, September 25, 2009 || 2:45 AM
Hhhh - Hello ! :)Today as usual went to school yeah(:& during morning assembly , mrkwok said that ystd got ppl hit a piler & get a hole in it. D:& th guy , don'tknow his name anw. he went up to th stage & said alot things & even a sorry. but when he's going say until behind , & soon it's ending. Don'tknow why he suddenly tebbler , it look like he had a stage fright if he stand long on th stage. xDafter assembly , i don't know why my stomach hurt alot alot . during physic also & even recess.when i see foods , i feel like vomitting . yucks! D:then i just seems i'm dieing soon . Soyeah , i went home . & thanks to my mama , come and fetch me home.but when i'm on th way home , my stomach doesn't really hurt alot than in school . hais , hope cann go back to school again. LOL! After that , bath & get changed meet Amanda ard 3plus at kb (:Slacked as usual , after that went to PP mac study!but today doesn't have th mood to study yeah. D:& went home ard 10plus :DGoodnights , reader(s) ! Bye ;D
i'm sot ! xD
Thursday, September 24, 2009 || 2:24 AM
Hello , reader(s) !! (:lesson was finee , & yeah.Amanda went crazy . during english lesson went to th white board & wrote things on th white board .she wrote (8days more) for EOY . & she wrote ( ALELA) too ! it shows that she love eddy yeah!HAHA , Make sure no one snatch from her ; & yeah i saying ' someone '. cause is always AMANDA's!! :DDAlright , english lesson we also did discuss of things for ____ ! (:it's all GavinLoh idea , yeah. Alright , the rest of th lesson was bored ! D:& after school went to smokerlizer again & went for lunch ard , 3plus ba , i guess.then 4 plus headed home . rest awhile first , then bath & ready for all before going pp mac study(:& stayed till 10 plus , & headed home ! (:GoodNight , reader(s) !Bye ;D
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 || 3:05 PM
Happy5Month , HusbandLoh ` 210909
Happy5Month , BoyfriendMikail `220909Happy5Month , NuerYT ! (:heyyo readers !anw , happy5month Nuer~ Today school seems fine . well , during ART lesson , i was somehow crazy ! keep on chit-chatt chit-chatt . HAHA.Lesson in school was bored , but it seems exam is coming just 9 more days . Alright , after school went for smokerlizer test .After that , went to eat lunch & went to kb slack & went home at around 6 pm plus(:& im now right here posting ! 0kay , I gtg already :D Anw , goodnights everyone :DDJiayou for your EYE !!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------
& , mummy D:youu shouldn't have cut yourself . but i know that hurts your heart when you heard about that news. hmph , but still got to tell youu . youu have to stay strong ! everyone around youu , are supporting youu! jiayous! :D i doesn't want to hurt youu , but wanna to tell youu this ; Did youu feel that it was so regret breaking with dad?? D: see when youu both are together , not that much thing happen & hurt youu that much.but after i see you like nemo , i found it youu get more hurtful & sad than ' dad ' one.Mayb , like nemo is just a crushed ? just like R ? D;but anw , its over .but i still hope youu cann start refresh with your life. youu are a new person from right now , ok ? :D Jiayou Jiayou Jiayou!!!!!Bye ;D
Monday, September 21, 2009 || 4:52 AM
Happy16thBirthday ; GavinGirl (:-------------------------------------------
well , later shall be going out , slack !! (:Bye ;D
Saturday, September 19, 2009 || 4:25 AM
0k , today was really pekchek on somethings.so went to slack among , amanda & vivian ; just ourselves. i had enough of those fucking kbkp. th stupid M , just cannt stop having his mouth shut .so i started to say shut up again & again when i heard his voice.he started to get sot ? & scold A for what , isn't it me . why he started to scold A/okay , i even had enough , he just open his mouth always , & said th word fight ! fight fight fight , think what sia? fight cann save th problem >? NO!! does he wanna fight ? as i & A had said , youu cann fight ! touch until us , we cann just called the police! which is 999 .ok , had been seeing , E had been pushing th M away from hitting A .ok , what does he trying to do? guess is what A had said in her blog ?or wasn't it ? it cann be thinking far . that E is ........... ok , doesn't want elaborate it any further.as long ALE was still there , but still hope there is a ELA on!!! :D-----------------------------------------------------
&boy , Hah , it's the first time seeing you tear , i don't wanna see you tear again man while we will slacking . & i know youu had been saying no . just doesn't want us to worried . & had been saying you are tired . we exactly understand how you feel .
no more crys ok? youu will just playinghappily , suddenly sat in a corner & had tears came down , just let things off goes , & don't think much already .
& just enjoy what you had now , before it is gone ! & tell youu , everyone loves youu (:Byee ;D
Monday, September 14, 2009 || 4:07 AM
Happy15thBirthday ; JOEYng (:
Back from BBQ !! :DD
Saturday, September 12, 2009 || 1:30 PM
wake up around 6pm plus when reach home around 7 am plus in th morning (:
HAHA. i was just sleeping like a pig like that ! xD
but it was so shiok after i woke up (:
- 110909 ~ 120909 -
Happy1Year Anni ; MummyChuaXt(:
early in th morning meet them up 9plus & went to mac eat breakfast(:
giggles & laughters starts ! :D yeahheh .
Meet Amanda after that & saw Husbandloh & kokhow ! xD
went off tgt , saw Skinnychangyun & ryan , then went to ''"""""before went to school for oral , yeah !
Ride skinnychangyun bike ! HAHA. i lke to ride his bike !! (:
Funs & jokes came , but th weather is very hot .
make me sweat so much mann ! Grr.... D:
Oral started , Kokhow .. keep singing song & i was keep laughing mann , he still say is entertaining ! xD LOL !
after that headed to choir until 12.30pm as lunch break start early & off i went to meet edwin & yonglee .
After that headed to mac meet up with amanda & vivian before going home & prepare for BBQ.
went home , bath & pack & off to meet amanda at bus stop & headed to yonglee house . (:
get our foods , & off to east coast !! :D
meet skinnychangyun , eddy , yonglee , raphael , ryan & th rest at east coast uh !!!
peoplewho went to EastCoastPark : Ryan , Raphael , Yonglee , Junhui , eddy , edwin , glenn , shanren , kok soon , felicia&bf , jiehui , eugene ,amanda , vivian , susanna , xueting , chunhei , weihuang & adele.
When all of us reach there , we started fire from around half an hour , than started our BBQ .
Hehheh , i was like bei -ing for so long man ! i'm tired , so off i went to rest ! (:
guys played poker cards too !
around 8pm, jiehui&eugene went home .
then around 10 plus , eddy , edwin , kok soon & yong lee went home ! D:
see youu all again yeah ! :D
then just left , ryan , raphael , gavinboy , junhui , shanren , glenn , amanda & vivian we stay at east coast ! soon , wh , ch & adele went off .
by raphael & ryan bike . zzzz
than after that we went off to bk tgt , to get back their bike ! D:
& because of going back bk of something ; dont really wanna elaborate it anymore , we kena police screen for no reason while we were walking to kb . sibei suay ! went to W bridge slack awhile , chatted , gavinboy went home around 5plus & we headed to skylan :D
after lan-ing until close to 7 am & we went home , as th rest of us seems tired too (:
We did camwhore alot i think around 1 plus or 2 plus (:
yeahheh !!! :D
hope mummy,xueting with daddy,chunhei is fineee .
they are so gay! xD
they are cute now ! :D
School Holidays !! :DD
Monday, September 7, 2009 || 3:58 AM
Heheh , first day of school holidays !
i'm now in holiday mood !!! wohooo. :DD
0kay , i'm abit siao liao uh ! xD
yeahheh , this coming friday gonna have funn !
it's coming to BBQ , wohooo. :DD
& ton will have since so long from march until now , have not been toning leh . D:
HAHA. So this friday cann ton liao !
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooots .
okay , gtg for audi !
Bye :DD
Lastday of school before school holiday! :D
Friday, September 4, 2009 || 5:02 AM
hehheh .
using home econ computer !! :DD
school was as usual! (:
actually wanted to pon school , but in th end didnt . HAHA.
eyer.. in class was boring , as gavin & amanda didnt come ; it look so boring D:
alright , got to go ! :D
BackToSchool ! D:
Wednesday, September 2, 2009 || 3:07 PM
hehhehh. :D
well , back to school normally again. D:
must wake up early early in th morning liao. ohmy!! xD
school was normal & funn :DD
Enjoy being in school other than at home loh. D:
well , went for smokerlizer & went for lunch (:
yummy , then headed back to kb . slack & went home after that :DD
Hehh , Happy1month :D
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 || 10:00 AM
yeahhehh , long time didnt post uh!
Girlfriends saying me already , didnt post my blog. heheh !
well , now im posting my lastest post.:D
well , at parklane th lan posting & audi now!! :DDDDD
Firstly , Happy1month ♥ ! ; ily :DD
ystd Went to east coast for teachers' day celebration ? Ahha.
went my father lorry , meet huijun & co :DD
& boooooommmm . all th way to east coast ! heheh.
assemble at grass , oh my ! th grass is so wet . D: haiyoo.
mr.zhuri tells us sit there, but is dirty . DD:
event there was boring uh!
need go for fun run lehh , xD dont feel like running .
so standing at th grass there . HAHA.
event was almost over , th whole sch of BDSS went to pick rubbish from different pit there.
there's manny litter around luhh. D:
Singaporean are so bad , any how litter uh !! we still pick up condom case. xD
oh my , thats was discusting mann !! D:
well.. school dismiss , went to rent bicycle for 2hours 6bucks yeah ! :DD
cycle to macdonald , heheheh. for lunch (:
after that cycle !!!!
went for another rent to cycle with vivian & co . :DD
it was really funn !
at first teaching vivian cycle , hoho. she doesnt know .
in th end she's learn how to cycle ler oh !!! :DDDDD
cycle until bedok , went off all th way cycle with joceyln (:
chiong all th way , just wanted to see areoplane flight off . HAHA.
that was lame uh !! xD
tired mann , around 4 plus ba , headed back to return th bike:D
& headed to beach there . (: RELAX !!!
cam-whore at there too ! heheh. love th views there :DDD
Alright , time to go !
Photos shall upload another day (:
Boy,just misses youu D:
& i just love youu ! :DD
Loveyouu loveyouu loveyouu loveyouuloveyouu